04 August 2010

I Was Supposed to Post this August 1st or 2nd, eh.

After just about a year away from my blog, I’m feeling ready to resume discussing my random thoughts of and encounters in Minneapolis…although I won’t actually be in Minneapolis for the next month…instead, I’ll be in France! Unlike many of my other abroad experiences, I won’t be excavating either. The next four weeks will be dedicated to drinking good wine, eating Bourgognais cuisine, and most importantly, looking at artifacts and archaeological sites as part of some pre-dissertation research.

My trip will begin with a flight to Amsterdam, then a connecting flight to Paris. Upon my arrival, I will pick up my brand new leased car, a manual and diesel drinking Clio, made by the French carmakers, Renault. Hopefully my recent lessons will serve me well because I am driving to Sens to visit my first museum.

I will follow a similar pattern nearly every day: get up early, breakfast?, drive or walk to first museum, museums close for lunch, I eat, drive or walk to second museum, probably stay until close, drive or walk to next city, eat dinner, perhaps do something else, and go to bed. This regimented schedule is necessary. I have 29 days to tackle exactly 40 museums/archaeological sites (technically I have less than that because the bulk of the work needs to be done before Reed, the boyfriend, meets me in France on August 21st, so in reality, I have 19 days to get to 36 museums/archaeological sites. In other words, I will be a busy, busy lady.

…Boarding for the flight soon. Will continue this from France!

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